What to include in your entry
Relevant image
Literary device
Example- from . . .
This will come from literature currently being read in class. Please note the source and cite the reference.
Explain the function in this literature. Refer to a print example and the first entry on allegory on this site. The length given in the examples is appropriate, although it is of primary importance to demonstrate thoughtfulness and insight regarding the use of the device.
Another example
Describe at least one additional example from other literature.
Non-original mnemonic
A non-original component to help remember it (something you found on the Web or in a book) – pictures, videos, drawings, infographics, audio clip, music, etc.
Original mnemonic
Create something! Make your own way to remember this device. In addition to the ideas listed for the non-original mnemonic, you might write a line or a poem (e.g. “I before E except after C,” use the term’s etymology or root word, use sign language, etc. Whatever you create, post it here in a way that will be easy for your classmates to understand.
Other resources
This is not a requirement, but if you find other things to add, please do so!
Note: Artwork, links to additional explanations, etc. are welcome in other parts of the entry as well.
Posted by Your Name
Time frame for creating and posting
The basic content (term and definition, example, function) is due to me in print or via Google docs one week before your digital posting is due. This will be a Tuesday. I will return it to you with comments by Friday of that week, and you will need to complete the remaining elements of the post (photo, another example, mnemonics, other resources) and post everything by the time you are scheduled to present.
Steps for posting
- Log in to the blog from the invitation I sent and then accept the invitation. Click Continue to blogger. I highly recommend bookmarking the blog or moving the icon to your bookmarks bar.
- You may click on the orange pencil to make a new post or click on Literary Device Glossary and then click on either the pencil in the top left or the orange New Post block right under My Blogs. You may also click Posts and then click on the orange New Post block.
- Title your post; use the name of your literary device.
- Copy and paste the sections listed above or the Allegory example to use as a template.
- Enter your information.
- As you are working, click Save Draft periodically. You and I are the only ones who will be able to see it in draft form.
- When you are finished, click Publish! Check to see how it looks by clicking on View Blog in the upper left.
Literary device content quality (examples, function, original mnemonic) – 15 points
Digital quality (photo(s), non-original mnemonic, other resources) – 5 points
Total – 20 points
Digital quality (photo(s), non-original mnemonic, other resources) – 5 points
Total – 20 points
Each person will post one entry per semester; therefore, the assignment will be listed in each quarter of the year, but you will only receive a grade for it in the two quarters in which you post. You will be exempted from it the other two quarters.
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